Terms and conditions for User

Terms and conditions for User

Terms of Use for TasteTown START, TasteTown Full Version, User Account and TasteTown App


1.     CONTENT

1.1.         TasteTown s.r.o., with its registered office at Těšetice 180, Těšetice 671 71, Company ID: 21451265, VAT ID: CZ21451265, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno under file number C138964, is the operator of the TasteTown application and website (hereinafter referred to as "TasteTown"). Contact email address: support@tastetown.cz


1.2.         These terms apply to all contracts concluded between TasteTown and the Registered User, specifically for the User Account Agreement, TasteTown START Agreement, and TasteTown Full Version Agreement. These terms of business govern the use of the TasteTown application and website, as well as individual agreements and any other rights and obligations aimed at using or providing services in the TasteTown application (hereinafter referred to as "Application or App"). These business terms apply exclusively unless TasteTown states otherwise in writing.


2.             GENERAL

2.1.         By registering, the User explicitly declares that they have fully acquainted themselves with the rules for using the User Account and the rules for the TasteTown Services as stated in these Terms. The services further mean TasteTown START and TasteTown Full Version.


2.2.         In case of any breach of the provisions mentioned in these Terms by the Registered User, TasteTown is entitled to take measures outlined in these Terms and/or permitted by the applicable legal regulations.


2.3.         Using TasteTown Services is only allowed in the countries where TasteTown mediates services to Partner Businesses within the meaning of Article 7.3 point f).


2.4.         Czech is the exclusive language for concluding all contracts between the User/Registered User and TasteTown unless TasteTown explicitly states otherwise.


3.             PERSONAL DATA

3.1.         TasteTown is committed to handling the personal data of Registered Users in accordance with and under the conditions set out in the Information on Personal Data Processing available at: https://tastetown.cz/osu-uzivatel (hereinafter referred to as "Information on Personal Data Processing").


4.             SUPPORTED DEVICES

4.1.         The User will be automatically notified upon downloading the Application whether their device meets the technical conditions for proper use of the Application.



5.1.         Legal relations arising under these Terms and in connection with the use of TasteTown Services are governed by the laws of the Czech Republic. The competent courts of the Czech Republic have jurisdiction to resolve disputes arising in connection with these Terms. Before filing a lawsuit with the competent court, the User may submit a complaint to the Czech Trade Inspection Authority as the authority authorized to resolve consumer complaints and disputes out of court. The possibility of out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes through the EU is excluded.


6.             FAQ

6.1.         FAQ is understood as the section "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers" available at: http://tastetown.cz/faq (hereinafter referred to as "FAQ").


7.             REGISTERED USER

7.1.         In order to use TasteTown Services, the user must conclude a User Account Agreement in the mobile Application and thus become a Registered User. Each user is allowed to create only one account and must be a consumer within the meaning of Section 419 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as "Civil Code").


7.2.         To use the Services within the meaning of Articles 13-16, the Registered User must conclude a TasteTown START Agreement (in the sense of Article 9) or a TasteTown Full Version Agreement (in the sense of Articles 10 and 11).



8.1.         Registration is understood as the process of the User leading to the conclusion of an agreement and the establishment of a User Account for the purpose of using services (hereinafter referred to as "Registration"). By registering, the user becomes a Registered User. The moment of Registration is identical to the first login.

8.2.         The User Account Agreement is subsidiary to any TasteTown START Agreement and TasteTown Full Version Agreement.

8.3.         The user can register through the mobile Application, provided that for the subsequent use of TasteTown Services, they must have a supported device and a stable internet connection.

8.4.         User registration, as well as the login of a Registered User, is carried out using a phone number and subsequently entering the code received from TasteTown on this phone number.

8.5.         By registering, the user confirms that they agree to these Terms and acknowledges the Information on Personal Data Processing. The user confirms this fact by checking the appropriate box within the Application Registration.


8.6.         By registering, the user explicitly confirms that:

a)     They become a Registered User and undertake to comply with these Terms;

b)     They provided current, true, and complete information about themselves during registration according to TasteTown's requirements and did not violate data protection laws by entering another person's information (including using someone else's email or other information);

c)      They will not share their User Account with any third party and will take all measures to prevent any third party from accessing their User Account or other information;

d)     TasteTown is not responsible for any damage caused to Registered Users as a result of events beyond its control, including third-party actions;

e)     TasteTown is entitled to identify a Registered User, particularly if requested by law enforcement authorities or if such identification is necessary under applicable laws;

f)      There is no agreement between the Registered User and TasteTown regarding services related to hospitality. Such an agreement is directly between the Partner Business and the Registered User. If a Registered User activates a DEAL from a Partner Business, the content of which includes possible access to a service or product with generally known special obligations (such as minimum age requirements), TasteTown bears no responsibility for their control. TasteTown is not an agent of the Partner Business but merely a DEAL broker within the Application provided by the Partner Business. TasteTown is not responsible for the content, scope, or quality of services provided by Partner Businesses;

g)     They are fully aware of the prohibition against creating additional (second or more) User Accounts. Each user is allowed to create only one User Account unless otherwise specified by TasteTown;

h)     The agreement according to these Terms is concluded as a consumer within the meaning of Section 419 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as "Civil Code").

8.7.         By registering, a User Account is created and activated for the Registered User, accessible via the mobile Application. Each User chooses during Registration whether they want to start with the TasteTown START Service (Trial Version - "I want to try it" in the sense of Article 9) or whether they order the TasteTown Full Version service (Subscription in the sense of Articles 10 and 11). It is assumed that if the user did not choose one of the options according to Article 11.3 (i-iv) and did not successfully complete the full version order (did not become a Subscriber according to Articles 11.2 – 11.4), they concluded a Free Trial Agreement - TasteTown START in the sense of Article 9.

8.8.         A Registered User may change these two services later, but only from TasteTown START to TasteTown Full Version, not vice versa. TasteTown START serves only for trying the application for free, even without entering payment information. A Registered User who decides to use the application in the full version cannot revert to the TasteTown START service by the very nature of things, as it is only a service for "testing." If they decide not to use the TasteTown Full Version services anymore, they can cancel the selected Subscription.

8.9.         A Registered User is entitled to request the cancellation of their User Account or the modification or deletion of all data from the Registered User database at any time by sending a request to TasteTown via the email provided in these Terms or in any other way enabled in the Application. If a Registered User has the active TasteTown Full Version service, they must also request the cancellation of the Subscription's recurring payment from TasteTown. For the avoidance of doubt, TasteTown points out that canceling a User Account will also result in the immediate termination of the TasteTown START service and the paid TasteTown Full Version service, as they cannot be provided without an active User Account.


9.             TasteTown START Agreement

9.1.         The TasteTown START Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "START Agreement") is a free service arising from a separate agreement alongside the User Account Agreement. Its conclusion and effectiveness occur at the moment of Registration and selecting the option of 1 (in words: one) free DEAL, or in the Application by clicking the "I want to try it" button. Under the START Agreement, a newly Registered User is provided with 1 (in words: one) single DEAL to be used for free (within the meaning of Articles 13 - 16). This regime is provided under these Terms and is made available to every new Registered User who has not yet decided to use the TasteTown Full Version service. This Agreement automatically terminates (is exhausted) upon the use of 1 (in words: one) DEAL (according to Articles 13 - 16). To use DEALs again (within the meaning of Articles 13 - 16), the Registered User must become a Subscriber within the meaning of Article 11.3. They can do so according to Articles 11.2 – 11.7 of these Terms.


10.          TasteTown Full Version Agreement

10.1.      The TasteTown Full Version Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Full Version Agreement") is a paid service based on a separate agreement alongside the User Account Agreement. The Full Version Agreement provides the Registered User with an unlimited number of available DEALs for use (within the meaning of Articles 13-15), the ability to rate (according to Article 16), and other facts related to DEALs. This service is provided under these Terms and is available only to a Registered User who has become a Subscriber within the meaning of Articles 11.1 – 11.14.



11.1.      At the moment of completing the Full Version Agreement order (hereinafter referred to as "Order"), the Registered User enters into a contractual relationship with TasteTown. The Full Version Agreement is concluded in the Czech language. If there is an effective START Agreement between TasteTown and the Registered User at the time of concluding the Full Version Agreement, the START Agreement will terminate at this moment. The performance of the START Agreement will not be resumed upon termination of the Full Version Agreement. After the termination of the Full Version Agreement, the Registered User is not entitled to re-enter into a TasteTown START Agreement.


11.2.      The Order is completed when the Registered User either:

(i)             successfully activates a friend's invitation for a free month,

(ii)            successfully invites a friend and successfully activates the resulting voucher,

(iii)          successfully activates a "voucher" for a certain number of free days/months,

(iv)          sets up a subscription plan paid on a monthly or yearly basis and pays for the subscription (according to Articles 11.4 – 11.14).


11.3.      For a successful activation according to points (i-iii) of Article 11.2, the Registered User must choose a subscription plan paid in advance on a monthly or yearly basis, the payment of which will follow after the free time period. Each Registered User using services based on the Full Version Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Subscriber") undertakes to pay the subscription.


11.4.      For the Subscriber under point (iv) of Article 11.2, the Subscription becomes due upon the Order of a monthly or yearly subscription.


11.5.      TasteTown expressly warns Subscribers that the Prepaid period ends on the last day of the Prepaid period at the same time when the Order was made on the first day of the Prepaid period.


11.6.      The Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that payments are made automatically as long as the Subscriber has the Full Version Agreement service activated. These funds are automatically debited by TasteTown on the due date in the amount of the chosen subscription from the payment method provided by the Registered User. When entering payment methods, the user has a choice of: xxxx. The Subscriber may terminate the Full Version Agreement and simultaneously stop the automatic payment of the Subscription (according to Article 12).


11.7.      The Full Version Agreement is concluded for a definite period, namely thirty (30) calendar days or one year (365 days) with automatic extension in accordance with these Terms. If the Full Version Agreement is not terminated, the duration of this Agreement is automatically extended by another thirty (30) calendar days or one year (365 days) following the previous choice of the Registered User.


11.8.      The service based on the Full Version Agreement will be available to the Registered User for as long as the Subscriber pays the Subscription. If the Subscription is not paid within the specified period, the Full Version Agreement will be terminated.


11.9.      If the payment fails due to insufficient funds or other reasons for which the Registered User is responsible, the Registered User is liable for additional costs incurred and is responsible for them. In this case, TasteTown may also charge a flat fee of 129 CZK (in words: one hundred and twenty-nine Czech crowns) unless the Registered User proves that TasteTown did not incur any or lower effort. If the relevant evidence is provided, TasteTown may claim damages from the Registered User exceeding the flat fee. Other claims of TasteTown remain unaffected.


11.10.   The Registered User is entitled to set off their own claims against TasteTown's claims only if their claims have been legally proven, are undisputed, or have been acknowledged by TasteTown.


11.11.   By ordering the START and Full Version Services, the user agrees and confirms in particular:

a)     Familiarization with basic information, especially information on the method of service delivery by TasteTown and information on the nature and duration of the obligation from the START Agreement or Full Version Agreement, referring to the provisions of these Terms.

b)    Information on the duration of the START Agreement (use of 1 (in words: one) DEAL), the duration of the Full Version Agreement, and the conditions for its termination, including the possibility of withdrawing from the Full Version contractual regime, referring to the provisions of these Terms.

c)     Information on relevant codes of conduct (if any) and information on out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes, referring to the provisions of these Terms. Furthermore, familiarity with FAQ.

d)    That there is no agreement between the Registered User and TasteTown regarding services related to hospitality. Such an agreement arises directly between the Partner Business and the Registered User. If a Registered User activates a DEAL from a Partner Business, the content of which includes possible access to a service or product with generally known special obligations (such as minimum age requirements), TasteTown bears no responsibility for their control. TasteTown is not an agent of the Partner Business but merely a DEAL broker within the Application provided by the Partner Business. TasteTown is not responsible for the content, scope, or quality of services provided by Partner Businesses;

e)    User's agreement with the wording of these Terms.


11.12.   For the purposes of the Full Version Agreement Order, the Registered User further confirms in particular:

a)     Explicit consent and request of the Registered User for the immediate provision of the Full Version Service immediately after the Order, i.e., before the expiration of the 14-day statutory withdrawal period from the Full Version Agreement.

b)    Notice to the Registered User of the chosen length of the Prepaid period and the fact that the Full Version Agreement binds the Subscriber for at least thirty (30) calendar days for which one Subscription payment is paid.

c)     The chosen method of paying the Subscription (as defined above in Article 11.6), information on rights from defective performance, conditions for termination of the Full Version Agreement, referring to the provisions of these Terms.

d)    Information on the price of services (i.e., the current amount of the Subscription) or the method of its determination for one billing period, as well as information on all taxes, fees, and other similar monetary obligations related to the Subscription.


11.13.   The conclusion of the Full Version Agreement will be confirmed to the Registered User in accordance with Section 1824a and Section 1827 of the Civil Code by TasteTown by sending confirmation via SMS or email to the Registered User. Part of the confirmation under this article includes a link to these Terms. In the case of the TasteTown Full Version service Order, the confirmation also includes the explicit consent of the Registered User under Article 11.12 (a) above.


11.14.   TasteTown is entitled to terminate the Full Version Agreement in the event of a breach of these Terms by the Registered User.



12.1.      A Registered User is entitled to terminate the provision of the Full Version Service in the Application within the management of their User Account or by sending an email to the TasteTown Contact Email Address. In such a case, the termination of the Full Version Agreement will occur at the end of the current Prepaid period. The obligation of the Registered User to pay for the period during which they used the Full Version Service is not affected by the termination of the Full Version Agreement.


12.2.      Even after the termination of the Full Version Agreement, the User Account remains available to the Registered User; the Registered User is entitled to order the paid TasteTown Full Version service again at any time and reactivate the Subscription by making a new Order or concluding a new Full Version Agreement. In this case, however, the business terms, price list, and other facts effective at the time of the new order apply.


12.3.      TasteTown may change the amount of the subscription from time to time at its reasonable discretion to compensate for the impact of any changes in total costs. Relevant cost items for calculating total costs include, in particular, costs for the development, maintenance, and provision of the application, website, and IT infrastructure, customer service costs, sales and marketing costs, general administration, and other overhead costs (e.g., rent, interest, and other financial costs, personnel costs, external service providers), as well as taxes and other fees.


12.4.      Changes in the subscription amount (according to Article 12.3) will always be effective at the next payment (due for the following month/year). This means that fees already paid in advance cannot be increased retroactively. Changes in the subscription amount will be announced to the email address stored in the User Account at least 1 month (in words: one) before they are due to take effect. In this case, the Registered User is entitled to an extraordinary termination of the contract in the TasteTown Full Version regime from the moment the planned change is sent to the Registered User's email until 1 (in words: one) week before the change becomes effective. TasteTown will expressly and separately inform the Subscriber about this option for extraordinary termination.



13.1.      Businesses displayed in the Application have voluntarily become part of TasteTown and have committed to providing Registered Users with START services and Subscribers with DEALs, i.e., exclusive benefits provided when making a certain type of order in the business (hereinafter referred to as "Partner Businesses").


13.2.      Registered Users of the START service and Subscribers can activate and use the DEALs offered in the Application. The following Terms apply in this case.


13.3.      The number of Partner Businesses displayed in the Application, their composition, the number of DEALs, their value, offering time, structure, and other values may change over time. A typical example of offered DEALs is, for example, "Meal 1+1". This is a situation where a Registered User orders two meals and receives the cheaper one for free. Another typical example is "Main Course + Dessert" where the Registered User orders a Main Course and receives a Dessert for free. However, each DEAL is specific and has a detailed description of how it can be used, such as a minimum order amount, type of meal, and more. All this information is displayed to the user on the Partner Business profile. The user is also informed about the possibility of renewing the DEAL, prohibiting the combination of DEALs at one table and/or ordering, limiting the time for its use, and more.


14.          Claims on DEALs

14.1.      To claim these DEALs, the Subscriber and the Registered User of the START service must also meet other conditions. These are (i) Activation of the DEAL in the Application (ii) At the time of ordering, the Registered User must show the phone screen with the activated DEAL directly to the staff (iii) Use of the DEAL in front of the staff immediately before paying the order.

(i)             Activation of the DEAL in the Application

All DEALs must be activated in the Application, and the Registered User must arrive at a time when it is possible to use this DEAL (this time is detailed for each DEAL), with the following rules applying:


-       The combination of multiple DEALs in one business is prohibited. It is not possible to order "Meal 1+1" and then claim a free Dessert or another advantage from another DEAL as a result.

-       Only one registered user can use a DEAL at one table. If there are multiple registered users at the table, only one of them can use the Application for the entire visit.

-       A DEAL can be used again in the Partner Business, but only after the elapsed time displayed on the Partner Business profile in the Application. These times may vary for each DEAL.

-       If a user activates a DEAL and does not arrive at the Partner Business during the activated time, and does not cancel the activated DEAL by midnight on the day when the DEAL could have been used, the DEAL will be considered used, and the Registered User's renewal period will begin according to the point above.

-       DEALs can only be used on-site. Delivery is not possible.

-       Table reservation is not included. After each DEAL activation, it is recommended that the Registered User contact the business and make a reservation. At the same time, if the Registered User does not make the reservation, the Business cannot guarantee the use of the DEAL. The user can then cancel this DEAL for free according to the point above. This situation does not result in any liability for TasteTown or the Partner Business, and the Registered User expressly agrees to this fact.



(ii)            During the order, the Registered User must show the phone screen with the activated DEAL directly to the staff.


(iii)          Use of the DEAL in front of the staff and immediately before paying the order. The activated DEAL can be found in the "My DEALs" tab, and it can be used only in the available time window for which it was activated. The actual use must occur immediately before paying the order and in front of the staff by swiping the "Use" box for the relevant DEAL of the Partner Business. The Partner Business may refuse the use of the DEAL under the following conditions, and the Registered User has no right to compensation:


-       The Registered User did not follow point (i,ii,iii) of Article 14.1 of these Terms.

-       The Registered User did not arrive and did not use the DEAL in the time window designated for this purpose.

-       The Registered User did not meet other requirements for using the DEAL (e.g., ordered products not covered by the offer, activated a DEAL for which they do not meet the age requirement, claim a combination of DEALs, or other facts contained in these Terms).

15.          OBLIGATIONS

15.1.      To claim a DEAL, the Registered User of the START service and/or Subscriber must download the Application to a supported device and have a mobile phone that supports internet and mobile data. The Registered User acknowledges that they are solely responsible for all costs associated with downloading and using the application, such as high data transfer, the need to purchase new hardware, or other facts.


15.2.      The Registered User acknowledges that they will receive notifications related to the concluded contractual obligation on the provided email or phone number.



16.1.      A Registered User of the START service and/or Subscriber has the option to rate and comment on the Partner Business after using a DEAL (within the meaning of Articles 13-15). In this case, ratings and comments are displayed only pseudonymously (e.g., only the first name) and are publicly accessible through the application and website.


16.2.      Ratings and comments reflect the Registered User's subjective opinion about their satisfaction with the Partner Business. Generally, TasteTown does not verify the accuracy, truthfulness, or legality of ratings and comments. Each registered user is solely responsible for the accuracy and legality, as well as the legal consequences of their ratings and comments. TasteTown is entitled but not obliged to modify or delete any comment or rating that contradicts these terms or decent behavior and good manners.


16.3.      Each Registered User is obliged to comply with legal regulations when entering reviews and comments and, in particular, to provide only truthful and factual information. Specifically, they must:

-       Not harass, threaten, or otherwise violate the dignity, honor, or sexual self-determination of third parties or parties;

-       Not impersonate another person and not mislead about their identity;

-       Not insult and spread slander, insults, lies, or misinformation;

-       Not provide inaccurate ratings or comments;

-       Not provide or allow third parties to provide ratings or comments about themselves or their company or employer;

-       Not use the rating and comment system contrary to its purpose.

-       TasteTown reserves the right to delete ratings and comments at any time without giving reasons, or to not display them and/or display them only after prior inspection by TasteTown.

16.4.      The Registered User grants a free, non-exclusive, spatially unlimited, transferable, and sublicensable right to use their ratings and comments for use in the application and on the website, in particular, the right to reproduce, publish, and distribute. TasteTown is especially entitled to use ratings and comments even after deleting the User Account. However, the user may request the deletion of their ratings and comments from TasteTown at any time. In this case, the right to use is also terminated.



17.1.      TasteTown reserves the right to intervene in the database of Registered Users at any time, but not in the content and scope of the provided data, without the need for prior notice to the affected Registered Users if the use of TasteTown services requires the introduction of new functionality.


17.2.      TasteTown also reserves the right to require the provision of additional data in the future, mandatory for maintaining the User Account. Without their provision, TasteTown may cancel the relevant User Account and/or deny access to the START and/or Full Version Service.


17.3.      The Registered User is fully responsible for keeping their login details or any other registration details confidential and bears all responsibility and any costs incurred in connection with the violation of these Terms by the Registered User.


17.4.      TasteTown is entitled to remove a Registered User's User Account at its discretion if:

a)     TasteTown has reasonable suspicion that the Registered User uses it in violation of legal regulations and/or generally binding ethical and moral principles of the Operator or good manners, or it is intended to violate third-party rights or to commit or assist in criminal activities;

b)    The Registered User uses the START and/or Full Version service for commercial purposes or other purposes that could (even ultimately) harm TasteTown or third parties;

c)     The Registered User abuses, blocks, modifies, or otherwise changes any part of the TasteTown start and/or TasteTown Full Version service;

d)    TasteTown has reasonable suspicion that the User of the Services is a person other than the Registered User;

e)    The Registered User disrupts or attempts to disrupt the stability or operation of the TasteTown start and/or TasteTown Full Version service;

f)      The Registered User shares the User Account with multiple persons;

g)     The Registered User violates the obligations set out in these Terms.



18.1.      The Registered User acknowledges that TasteTown does not guarantee and is not responsible for:

a)     The functionality of the Registered User's data network, nor for their hardware and software equipment, as well as for the functionality of the public internet network;

b)    Any potential damage that may occur to the Registered User in connection with hospitality services or due to TasteTown services simply because they do not use them regularly;

c)     Services of Partner Businesses as it is only an intermediary for concluding an agreement between the Registered User and the Partner Business. TasteTown is not an agent of the Partner Business but merely a DEAL broker within the Application provided by the Partner Business. TasteTown is not responsible for the content, scope, or quality of services provided by Partner Businesses;

d)    The refusal to provide service by the Partner Business, or for refusing to apply the DEAL according to Articles 13-15.

18.2.      TasteTown reserves the right that the TasteTown services may not always be continuously available, especially due to regular maintenance of hardware or software equipment or technical faults beyond the Operator's control.


18.3.      TasteTown expressly warns Registered Users that using TasteTown Services in violation of these Terms may constitute illegal activity, which may also exhibit criminal activity characteristics. The Operator further warns that it cannot be ruled out that in the case of relevant legal steps by a person affected by the illegal activity of the Registered User in connection with the use of TasteTown services, the Operator may be obliged to provide the relevant authorities with data or information obtained about the Registered User in connection with the provision of TasteTown services.


18.4.      The Registered User is not authorized to assign or transfer their rights and obligations arising from the agreement or other contractual relationship with TasteTown in connection with the use of TasteTown services to a third party, even without compensation.


18.5.      Information, materials, other content, and features provided to Registered Users within TasteTown services are protected by copyright law. All trademarks, trade names, and trade dress, including logos, are owned by TasteTown or TasteTown's business partners and may not be used on other websites, labeled with products or services, or used in any other way contrary to legal regulations and legitimate interests of TasteTown or affected third parties.


18.6.      Any activities of the Registered User contrary to these Terms, which may also result in (even potential) threats to the functionality of TasteTown services or any activities of the Registered User that would in any way threaten copyright or other rights, will be considered a violation of these Terms by the Operator. The Operator is entitled to restrict the Registered User in such activities. Such restriction consists primarily of denying access to TasteTown services or denying the provision of TasteTown services, with measures aimed at restricting such activities of the Registered User being implemented by the Operator immediately.


18.7.      A consumer has the right to withdraw from the Agreement within 14 days. However, since the Subscriber has agreed that the Full Version Service will start during the withdrawal period according to Article 12.1 letter a), they must pay TasteTown a reasonable amount for the services already provided up to the moment when TasteTown is informed of the withdrawal. This amount will correspond to the proportion of services already provided to the total scope of services specified in the contract. For this payment, TasteTown uses the same payment method used for the original transaction, unless explicitly agreed otherwise. For withdrawal from the Agreement, the relevant form can be found in Appendix 1.



19.1.      TasteTown reserves the right to change these Terms in the event of reasonable need (e.g., due to market changes, legislative and technological changes, cancellation or introduction of new products, changes in business policy, application adjustments, etc.), informing the Registered User in the manner specified below at least one (1) month before the date of their effectiveness.


19.2.      TasteTown will notify Registered Users of the new wording of the Terms by sending the updated wording of the Terms (or a link to the new business terms) to the contact email address or phone number of the Registered User.


19.3.      A Registered User who does not agree with the new wording of these Terms will terminate the contractual relationships (including relationships to the services they use) by canceling their User Account no later than two (2) days before such documentation changes take effect. The legal relationship will terminate no later than the last day of the validity of the current Terms. TasteTown will refund the Registered User the proportionate part of the Subscription corresponding to the price of the TasteTown Full Version service that the Registered User could not use after canceling the User Account due to disagreement with the Terms. For this repayment, we use the same payment method you used for the original transaction unless explicitly agreed otherwise.


19.4.      These Terms are effective as of August 5, 2024.


Appendix 1 - Withdrawal Form

-       Addressee: TasteTown s.r.o., Těšetice 180, Těšetice 671 71, Company ID: 21451265, email: support@tastetown.cz

-       I hereby notify you that I withdraw from the Agreement...

-       Name and surname of the consumer

-       Order date and delivery date of the purchased service

-       Consumer's delivery address

-       Date

-       Signature (if this form is sent in paper form)